One of my favorite things about being in London is the theatre. Let's just say that I have become very acquainted with the West End this semester...
The second night I was here I saw Jersey Boys:
I have tickets to see it again this Friday night when my mom, Aunt Gaylene, and Cousin Taylor stop by on their way home from Italy. It's a good thing, too, because the jet lag had me sleeping for part of it! It's a really fun show, and I can't wait to see it again. It has songs from the 4 Seasons like "Cheri" and "You're Just too Good to be True..."
I've seen Les Miserables twice:
When the Masters' like something, we show our loyalty. I saw PS I Love You and The Holiday 5 times in the movie theatre and I have seen Les Miserables 3 times in London alone. My mom has me beat, she has seen it 5 times in London (picture on the right)!! Go momma.
I saw Lion King:
Lion King was incredible, absolutely incredible. I had never seen it before and I was blown away. The costuming and set designs are unbelievable. You must go see it if you haven't.
I saw Wicked with Natalie's family:
It was my 5th time seeing Wicked, another piece of evidence of the Masters' die hard loyalty, but first time in London. It was the best "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" that I have heard! Thanks Williams family!
I saw Thriller:
This was completely spur of the moment but became one of my favorite nights. Thriller is a tribute to Michael Jackson and is an absolute party. The entire last 20 minutes every single person in the audience was up on their feet dancing. Such a blast!
I saw Flashdance:
Excuse how pale I am, it's the dead of winter over here, it was snowing... and I head back to California in a week.
Flashdance was supposed to be our last show but we weren't quite finished yet. We will reach number 8 on Friday with the Jersey Boys and just may try to hit a 9th. I have loved seeing so many musicals here, they are so fun and entertaining, and hey, you only live in London once, right?! You've got to enjoy it while you can.
More to come!
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